How to uninstall grammarly from word
How to uninstall grammarly from word

If Grammarly isn’t displayed on the COM Add-ins dialog box, then it’s an indication that it wasn’t installed properly. You might be dealing with broken installation files. If restarting the PC didn’t work, follow the next solution. So, restarting your system could do the trick. Apart from that, it’s possible that Grammarly didn’t initialize properly. As a Windows user, you know how effective a simple reboot can be. If you haven’t already, turn off your system and turn it back on or simply use the Restart function in the Start menu.

  • When you see the COM Add-ins dialog box, make sure the box beside Grammarly is selected.
  • Go to the bottom of the tab, select COM Add-ins from the Manage drop-down menu, and then click on the Go button.
  • Now, navigate to the Add-ins tab (on the right).
  • Go to the left pane of the Word Options dialog window and click on Add-ins.
  • In some Word versions, you just have to click on Options.
  • Go to the bottom of the left pane and select More, then click on Options.
  • After Word opens, click on File in the top-left corner of the window.
  • If you don’t know how, follow these steps:

    how to uninstall grammarly from word

    You have to add it back to Microsoft Word. If you can’t find the Grammarly tab in the menu bar, then it’s possible that the add-in has been removed. Under the Grammarly tab, click on Open Grammarly. So, head to the top of the window and click on Grammarly.

    how to uninstall grammarly from word

    Normally, the add-in should load automatically whenever you launch Word.

    how to uninstall grammarly from word

    Grammarly might not be showing in its usual spot because it’s not activated. No worries, I'll provide you the best resolution suited for your case. I know how important your concern is today. Hello and welcome to, an independent Question & Answer web portal.

    How to uninstall grammarly from word